interest due


interest due 到期利息


n. 興趣、利息、股份 vt. 使產生興趣、使參與


a. 應支付的, 欠款的, 到期的, 應得的, 正當的, 約定的 n. 應得的東西, 應得權益, 應付款


interest and penalties receivable on taxes 應收欠稅利息與罰款
interest charged to cost 計入成本利息
interest cost 利息成本
interest-bearing note 附息票據
interest-conversion period 轉換利息日期
interest due 到期利息
interest during construction 建築期間利息
interest earned,interest received 利息收入
interest expense,interest charge,interest paid 利息費用
interest fund 利息基金

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